A trademark opposition is filed by a third party
to prevent the proprietor from getting the Trademark registered if it is
similar to his/her own or is identical to the one already used by the party. A
person may file an opposition to a Trademark to prevent the brand from
illicitly gaining from his/her established brand name and avoid confusion among
the consumers.
A trademark opposition is filed by a third in
the form of a Notice of Opposition that lays down the grounds on which the
application is challenged. It is attached with the evidence that proves why the
Trademark application flouts any legal norms or violates an existing Trademark.
A reply to the Trademark opposition must be
submitted within 2 months of receiving it. For a Trademark objection, there is
no need to pay a fee to send a reply to the objection, but to reply to a
Trademark opposition, the applicant needs to pay a prescribed fee with the
Trademark Registrar.
In the case of Trademark opposition, an
appeal lies against the judgment in an opposition proceeding against the
Documents Required To File A Trademark
The copy of Trademark to be opposed.
The reason for opposition.
Procedure To File A
Trademark Opposition
Upon receiving the requisite documents, the
Trademark lawyer will draft the Notice of Opposition i.e. the application
opposing the mark published in the journal. The Notice of Opposition will be
sent to the Registrar first, who will examine it and then send it to the
Lawyers - A Law firm in Vietnam is supported by a team of experienced
patent, trademark, design attorneys with qualification and skills handling
full range of legal services relating to intellectual property in
Vietnam. We have specialized in the preparation and registration of
patents, trademarks and designs for our clients.
assist our clients in all steps of the prosecution phase of IP management.