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Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

ANT Lawyers

Vietnam Law Firm with English Speaking Lawyers

Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 12, 2018

How do I know if something is copyrighted, such as a name or word? What should I know about copyright law?

As the other answers already noted, neither names nor words can be copyrighted. A copyright protects art displays, performances and written works (this extends to modern technology such as websites, illustrations, television and film).

The protection of words, marks and names is done with registered trademarks. Just like the official copyright symbol is a “C” inside a circle, the registered trademark symbol is the letter “R” inside of a circle. The TM for trademark and SM for service mark are not recognized by the patent trademarks and copyright office. Some states may recognize them, but they are the weakest form of protection.

You should also know that you are not prohibited from using trademark names in your own works, but you must not represent yourself as the trademark holder or imply that your product is the trademarked product. This is why restaurants are so quick to note that they serve Coke or Pepsi products if you order a brand name drink which they do not serve. (As an ironic aside. The concession for Hartsfield Atlanta Airport is held by PepsiCo, in Coca-Cola’s home city.)

There is a lot more to know about trademarks and copyrights. If you are a graphic artist, the handbooks from the American Institute of Graphic Arts (AIGA) and the Graphic Artists Guild (GAG) are excellent references on this topic. I’m certain there are similar resources for writers, other artists and businesses. My advice is to find a good reference and to read it very very carefully and after you have read the basics, if there is anything that you don’t understand or that still puzzles you about your project, consult an intellectual property attorney before you make a very costly mistake.

Thứ Ba, 25 tháng 12, 2018

What is copyright and plagiarism, and how does the law/system regarding this work?

Copyrightis the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, or to make derivative works, and to authorize others to do the same. Copyright infringement is illegal in most countries.

The details copyright infringement laws vary from country to country, but in the United States, the legal penalties for copyright infringement that the infringer pays the actual dollar amount of damages and profits. If the work was registered with the U.S. Copyright Office, the law provides a range from $200 to $150,000 in statutory damages for each work infringed, as well as the infringer paying for all attorneys fees and court costs.

Plagiarism is the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. Plagiarism is usually considered an ethical breech of conduct rather than a criminal or civil offense, unless one also commits copyright infringement when plagiarizing.

However, it is possible to plagiarize someone without infringing their copyright, if that person gives you permission to copy their work and publish it under your own name. It is also possible to infringe someone’s copyright without committing plagiarism by copying someone else’s work without their permission but crediting them as the creator of that work.

Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 12, 2018

How do I know if something is copyrighted, such as a name or word? What should I know about copyright law?

Copyright is the exclusive legal right, given to a creator to copy, print, publish, perform, film, record, or make derivative works of their creative work, and to authorize others to do the same. This prevents other people from using someone else’s creative work (novel, poem, play, song, photograph, painting, movie, software) without compensating them for the creator’s effort.
The United States and some other countries do recognize cases where you can use someone else’s copyrighted work without their permission for limited purposes. This is Fair use, permitting you to use a minimal portion of their work for such transformational purposes as criticism, news, education, research, and parody, such that you are not harming the market for the original work. An example of Fair Use is showing a short clip of a movie during a movie review, or showing a photograph of a painting in a news report about the painting being auctioned for a record amount.

Note that words, names, and titles are not protected by copyright. After all, it would not be to anyone’s benefit if you were not legally allowed to say someone else’s name. write down a word they made up, or display the title of a book without their creator’s permission.

However, words, names and short phrases (as well as logos) can be protected as trademarks used to identify commercial products and services — such as “McDonald’s” restaurants and “Nike” shoes — and you cannot use someone else’s trademark for a competitive product or service. This is to prevent consumers from being confused about who actually made that product or performs that service. You can find out whether someone has registered a word, phrase or logo as a trademark with the US Patent and Trademark Office through this government website: Search trademark database. However, to be safe, you should have a trademark attorney search for you, as some people may be using a trademark without registering it with the USPTO.

Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 12, 2018

ANT Lawyers Joined with International Law Firms in Hong Kong on Dec 7th, 2018

In order to meet the legal demand arising from oversea investors, ANT Lawyers representative, Managing Partner Mr Tuan Nguyen has signed cooperation agreement with other international law firms in Hong Kong on Dec 7th, 2018 to provide legal support and service across numerous countries.

The lawyers are from Hong Kong SAR, the United Kingdom, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, Macau, China (Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu) have met up and discussed cooperation plan. The cooperation is expected create a platform for communication and cooperation to provide legal support and services to global enterprises, optimizing the business environment, promoting interconnection, investment and trade cooperation. At the formal event, the eleven representatives of the participated international law firm signed the Memorandum of Understanding, and promised to strengthen legal cooperation and exchanges in policy analysis, legal research, and legal services to provide comprehensive services for investors.
The cooperation signing ceremony was participated by the representatives of Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“HKSAR”) and the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, the governors, members and other professionals to witness this important moment. Ms. Tan Huizhu – Deputy Director of the Basic Law Committee of the HKSAR; GBM, GBS, JP and Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress – Mr. Tan Yaozong; GBM, GBS, JP and Vice Minister Vice Minister of Legal Department of Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR – Mr. Liu Chunhua attended the ceremony as guest.

Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 12, 2018

How much is a trademark and how does it work?

The trademark symbol ™ can be used by anyone to identify a word, words, or symbol used to identify their business, product or services. There is no requirement to use the ™ symbol and their use has no legal significance, but it is wise to do so. When you use the ™ you notify the public of your claim of branding rights in a particular mark and in turn dissuade others from adopting the same or similar mark for the same or similar products or services. This staves off unwitting trademark infringement.

However, the registered trademark symbol ® may only be used by the owner of a mark following registration with the relevant national authority, such as the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), and you can find the latest fee information here: View Fee Schedule: Trademark Fee Information.

Here are some reasons the USPTO gives for registering your trademark:
constructive notice to the public of the registrant's claim of ownership of the mark;
a legal presumption of the registrant's ownership of the mark and the registrant's exclusive right to use the mark nationwide on or in connection with the goods and/or services listed in the registration;
the ability to bring an action concerning the mark in federal court;
the use of the U.S registration as a basis to obtain registration in foreign countries; and
the ability to file the U.S. registration with the U.S. Customs Service to prevent importation of infringing foreign goods.

Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 12, 2018

What are the risks of using a trademarked brand name in a domain name?

Having a trademark brand in your domain name is a risk. If the domain was registered before the trademark was, then your registrar may stand behind you and will not immediately transfer the domain to the company which is complaining about trademark infringement. In this case, you may ask for a monetary compensation before transferring domain ownership, though you should have a lawyer look at your case.

However, if your domain name was registered more recently than the trademark registration date, then the company holding the trademark may ask your domain registrar to transfer the domain ownership to them. The registrar will most likely comply, looking to avoid complications. In western countries, trademark infringement is a very serious legal violation.

Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 12, 2018

How can you buy someone else's trademark?

Mr. Sivochek’s answer is correct and I have little to add. You cannot buy just the trademark registration in the U.S.; you must by the whole business and goodwill associated with the mark that is registered. Naturally, that business must still be functioning and the mark still in use in U.S. Commerce as well. Anything less, and you are buying just the piece of paper that comprises the registration certificate and therefore little, if anything, should be paid for that.

I suppose that if the business is not operating any longer and a valid US registration exists that you want to acquire or would register yourself (i.e. it recites goods/services that appropriately describes your business), that registration could have some “nuisance value” in terms of being desirable just to avoid a likelihood of confusion refusal by the USPTO in your application. So if you were to “buy” a registration certificate like that for a mark that may not be in use, label the transaction accordingly and pay the appropriate corresponding amount. In other words, don’t buy the “mark” or trademark right that is not affixed to an ongoing business because that could be a transfer of a mark “en grosse” which would invalidate the mark and the registration.

If you don’t follow this, or if you think it is complicated, I would say that it is and you should work with a U.S. trademark attorney on this.

Chủ Nhật, 9 tháng 12, 2018

The Regulations on Mediation in the Draft of Law on Mediation, and Dialogue in Vietnam

Over the past few years, the civil cases or administrative claims have been increasing on quantity as well as complex nature. There are opinions that, in reality, while Western countries choose negotiation or mediation as the first measure of dispute settlement, court is favored in Vietnam as main measure of dispute resolutionin Vietnam. Theoretically, Vietnam legal system shows that the regulations on mediation, dialogue have been relatively formulated during the judicial reform process. To address the gap in reality, there are recent changes in regulations encouraging parties to use mediation and dialogue as dispute resolution. Recently, the Draft Law on Mediation, Dialogue at the Court has been published since 01 October 2018 for public opinions.
In order to implement mediation and dialogue at court, the Chief Justice of People’s Supreme Court issues the decision on establishing Mediation and Dialogue Center including Director, Deputy Director(s), Mediators. The Director is the head of Center appointed by one of two following measures: (1) the Chief Justice of the Court in the locality where the Center is located assigns the Judge to act according to the rotational regime; or (2) the Mediators elect among themselves. Human resources are mobilized to appoint Mediators selected from the followings: (1) retired Judges, Procurators, Investigators and other retired judicial officials; (2) Retired junior or senior officials; (3) Experts and other professionals with at least 10 years of experience in its work; and (4) Person with high prestige in society and satisfying the following standards:
– Being a Vietnamese citizen, residing in Vietnam, loyal to the Fatherland and the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, having good moral qualities, having strong political will and prestige in the community, honest, objective;
– Having good health to ensure the fulfillment of the assigned tasks;
– Having experience and capacity for mediation and dialogue;
– Volunteer for mediation, dialogue settlement.
In the situation of tight state budget and overload of work at Court, the mobilization of human resources not belonging to the State but meeting certain criteria for being Mediators is one of the necessary requirements to ensure the success of this regulation.
Scope of Court Annexed Mediation and Dialogue in Vietnam
Scope of mediation and dialogue under the provision of this Draft shall be applicable to civil and administrative disputes; request for recognition of voluntary divorces, child custody agreement, division of property upon divorce within the jurisdiction of the Court according to the provisions of the Civil Procedure Code, Law on Administrative Procedures or civil, administrative dispute requested by one or more parties to the Court annexed mediation and dialogue for settlement.
The Procedures for Court Annexed Mediation and Dialogue in Vietnam
Upon receipt of the lawsuit petition, petition for recognition of voluntary divorces, child custody agreement, division of property upon divorce as provided in Article 190 of the Civil Procedure Code, Article 119 of the Law on Administrative Procedures, the Court shall forward the petition, request and the documents and evidences enclosed to the court annexed Mediation and Dialogue Center when satisfying the following conditions: (1) The case falls under the jurisdiction of the Court; (2) The claimant, the defendant do not refuse the mediation or dialogue before the court accepts the case; and (3) The case shall not fall into the case which must not be mediated under the provisions of the Civil Procedure Code or which dialogues cannot be held under the Law on Administrative Procedures.

According to the prevailing laws, there are two types of conciliation: pre-litigation conciliation and conciliation in litigation proceedings. The conciliation process under Civil Procedure Code, Law on Administrative Procedures shall not be governed by the Law on Mediation and Dialogue. Therefore, mediation under this draft law is in the form of optional pre-litigation mediation.
Recognition and Enforcement of Court Annexed Mediation Settlement in Vietnam
After mediation or dialogue, the parties can request the Court to recognize the successful mediation or dialogue settlement. The decision to recognize or to not recognize a successful out-of-Court mediation result shall immediately take effect and shall not be appealed against according to appellate procedures (Item 8 of Article 419 of the Civil Procedure Code 2015), but can be protested according to cassation or reopening procedures under the provisions of the Civil Procedure Code. This provision is also recorded in the Draft of Law on Mediation, Dialogue. Out-of-court mediation results are recognized by the court and will be enforced by civil judgment enforcement agencies under law on enforcement.

From the international experience and the reality of Vietnam, the effective implementation of the mechanism of mediation and dialogue has great significance for the settlement of civil and administrative disputes, promotes consensus in society; reduces the number of cases workload, the demand to bring to trial; facilitates the Court to focus resources to further improve the quality of the trial.
Pilot Project of Court Annexed Mediation in Vietnam
Through the pilot project under decision No. 332/QD-TANDTC dated Mar 9th, 2018, Official letter No. 48/TANDTC-PC dated Mar 9th, 2018, and Official letter No. 72/72/TANDTC-PC dated Apr 16th, 2018 the Mediation and Dialogue Center in Hai Phong has received more than 2,500 petition and brought to mediation, dialogue nearly 2,400 applications. The project has been expanded to Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, Bac Ninh, Khanh Hoa, Long An. The results and experience of the project will be an important basis for the drafting of the Law on Mediation and Dialogue.
Tuan Nguyen, Esq., CEDR Accredited Mediator

Thứ Tư, 5 tháng 12, 2018

How do you trademark a word that you made up?

The requirements to register a trademark are:

That the mark be used to describe a service, product, business. That it be used as a brand.
That the item being named by the trademark is in business or currently available to purchase. That is, that it is currently used “in trade”.

That your application describe the product or business sufficiently that the trademark office can assign it to a specific class of business (e.g. apparel). Trademarks only limit use by other businesses within that class of business. Apple Plumbing does not have to worry about being sued by Apple, who are in the class of electronic goods and computer software (among others).

I suspect what you are really trying to do is prevent anyone else from using this word that you made up. A word that has a specific definition in English and an intended use when communicating.

Trademark (and copyright, for that matter) are not at all interested in limiting the ability of people to communicate. Words, names, punctuation, symbols/letters/numbers are all without protection, free for anyone to use in normal communication. The trademark of “Apple” clearly doesn’t prohibit me from discussing the fruit that makes a delicious pie or strudel. It only prohibits me from using it to describe my own product or business which competes with Apple’s existing products or business.

Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 12, 2018

Why do copyrights last so long?

I strongly recommend that interested parties read this full article on Wikipedia covering copyright law and its evolution: History of copyright law

The good old House of Lords in England made the call in the mid 1700's that both Public Domain and statue-defined Copyright existed. France and the US were also grappling with how to promote, protect and ultimately share with the public any works. Remember, before this only a specific publisher in London would forever be the one with the right to print Shakespeare; a right under attack by devilish Scottish printers (how dare they!)

Now that the terms were subject to legislation, a moderate term of 14 years (with an extension of 14 more possible if the author was still alive) secured a limited monopoly that was intended to hold the author through to the end of his days and secure a reasonable inheritance for one's children. Not at all unexpected in societies that had Land Owners who derived profit by renting their land to use by farmers, workers or industry. (Read some Adam Smith if you want to hear more about how Rent is a fundamental element in economic understanding at the time.)

A hundred years later and we have internationalization of the scheme being defined in treaty. In the Berne Convention, signatories were all agreeing to Lifetime-plus-fifty-years as the new minimum term.

How did we get that jump? Again, the publishers constantly push things back toward their original conception of perpetual copyright. These expansions always cite the author's need, but benefit the business to an equal or greater amount. And terms have been pushed farther and farther out over the decades. Partially because it turns out there is big business in making sequels and derivative works.

Literature has turned from being primarily a means of disseminating information and turned into an entertainment venue where the public is voracious for new-but-familiar content. (Amusingly, this does not hold true for music, which falls completely out of public favor in about 40-50 years. Yet the RIAA is one of the fiercest fighters of copyright protections.)

Content publishers now fear that someone will make a better version of James Bond's Casino Royale if they are given the chance to make their own derivatives. And they are probably right. But that's not the best justification for 110-year-long copyright terms just so we can protect Mickey Mouse's first movie.

Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 11, 2018

Are eBooks protected by copyright?

Copyright, with regard to e-books, is a legal means of protecting them from being freely redistributed or unfairly used.

In the days of the Berne Convention, when copyright was initially introduced, books were printed, material products.

Though today, books take on a whole new life with electronic formats, readers, and platforms, the copyright laws that protect a writer’s work from being stolen, shared, and re-sold still apply to e-books.

Nonetheless, with the rise of digital piracy, e-book copyright law has been notoriously difficult to implement in a way that deters people from unfair use of copyrighted material. This is especially the case for self-publishing authors, who neither have the funds or resources to pursue legal cases.

If you want to protect your e-books, you need security that is specific to their “digital” nature.

Digital rights management solutions (DRM) are the industry-standard tools to use if you want to implement e-book protection.

There are 3 main types of protection solutions that can be used to secure your e-books and deter piracy. They include:

Expiring Download Links

Expiring download links allow you to send your e-books for download by customers, with the link expiring after a certain number of uses, or a specified time period.


Watermark technology protects your e-books by imprinting visible or invisible watermarks containing your customer’s personal information on their pages.

Adobe DRM Encryption

This is the industry-standard solution used by major publishers. It enables you to set different permissions for copying, printing, and accessing your e-books. Adobe DRM encryption is the most secure way to protect your e-books.

I recently wrote a blog post for the EditionGuard blog, EditionLink vs EditionMark vs Adobe DRM: Choosing The Right eBook Fulfillment Option, which explains in more detail how to select the right type of DRM protection for your e-books. Check it out to see which one is right for you.

Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 11, 2018

Vietnam Ratifies the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific

PartnershipVietnam has recently ratified the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership – CPTPP (before Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement – TPP. This Agreement was signed on 08 March 2018 in Santiago, Chile including 11 countries New Zealand, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Singapore, Brunei, Chile, Malaysia, Peru, Australia and Vietnam.

TPP was initially expected to form a largest free trade area in the world with the participation of the United States of America (USA). Nonetheless, the President of USA – Mr. Donald Trump – withdrew USA from TPP, and the remaining members have to re-negotiate and establish CPTPP as a result. Eleven countries participating in the CPTP have total GDP of USD 10,000 billion equivalent to 13.5% of global GDP.
CPTPP will contribute to boost the export of goods to major markets such as Japan, Australia, Canada and Mexico as well as attract foreign investment into the sectors that Vietnam needs to be developed. Further, this participation has established trade relations with the countries which have never signed a free trade agreement with Vietnam before such as Canada, Mexico or Peru. One of the commitments of CPTPP, the members of CPTPP agree to eliminate import duties on almost all products within 7 years, and Vietnam is flexible up to 10 years. Joining CPTPP, Vietnam not only commits to open up markets, remove tariff barriers, continue to open and facilitate trade, but also continues to show the transparency of the State management on market’s development. The business lines being benefited directly and strongly from CPTPP are garment, textile, footwear, food manufacturing, drink, confectionaries, tobacco, …which is expected to receive investment from oversea through setting up factory, company and business joint venture inVietnam.

Further, CPTPP regulates the new legal issues being labour, environment, government procurement, Intellectual Property, state enterprises, …The CPTPP essentially retains the provisions of the TPP Agreement, but with the USA withdrawal, it allows Member States to reserve a number of articles to ensure the balance in the new situation.
In conclusion, Vietnamese enterprises should firstly keep up the commitments of CPTPP in order to seek up the favorable policy trends and to prepare the plans to build competitiveness and enhance the prestige on brand and product quality.

Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 11, 2018

What is the difference between a trademark and a wordmark?

We have established that a wordmark is a logo, but not every logo is a wordmark.
A wordmark or logotype is usually a distinct text-only typographic treatment of the name of a company, institution, or product name used for purposes of identification and branding.
A trademark on the other hand can be a recognizable sign, design, or expression which identifies products or services of a particular source from those of others.

The number one difference between logos and wordmarks is that wordmarks are text-based logos. These types of logos are completely devoid of extra pictures, meaning that logos such as Pepsi and MasterCard are not wordmarks, since these logos contain images as well. You can probably think of several examples of wordmarks off the top of your head, but some of the most famous are FedEx, Coca-Cola and even world-famous Google. These are all examples of highly successful and easily recognizable wordmarks that are easily identified with around the world.

Why would someone use wordmarks over something like a pictorial graphic?
It ties into the fact that they are a more direct type of branding. When you provide just a picture, such as Joomla's logo, you have to have faith that a person can learn the association between a picture and a name and service, keeping them separate from other pictorial logos. Imagine if all of our favorite brands and companies were only identified by a simple graphic. We would have hundreds or even thousands of these little pictures to remember. Trying to keep them straight would become very confusing!

When providing a wordmark, such as Google, you provide a name while still providing a recognizable image for the viewer. Wordmarks are becoming the standard when it comes to designing logos, as it has been observed by some studies that they are more effective than their pictorial counterparts are.

A trademark is a word, name, symbol or device which is used in trade with goods to indicate the source of the goods and to distinguish them from the goods of others. A servicemark is the same as a trademark except that it identifies and distinguishes the source of a service rather than a product. The terms “trademark” and “mark” are commonly used to refer to both trademarks and servicemarks.

Trademark rights may be used to prevent others from using a confusingly similar mark, but not to prevent others from making the same goods or from selling the same goods or services under a clearly different mark. Trademarks which are used in interstate or foreign commerce may be registered with the Patent and TrademarkOffice. The registration procedure for trademarks and general information concerning trademarks is described in a separate pamphlet entitled “Basic Facts about Trademarks”.

Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 11, 2018

How can I avoid trademark infringement?

Avoiding a trademark infringement from occurring is crucial to building up trust in the market. There have been instances where brands have unknowingly infringed on other brands due to a variety of reasons. The best way to avoid infringements is to compare the trademark, study related products and services, checking the strength of the mark and learning from the existing confusion among consumers, all of which we have briefly covered in this article to help you avoid infringing upon an already existing mark.

To avoid trademark infringement, the company needs to work on the following before carrying forward the process of trademark registration or usage in the market.

1. Comparing the Trademark:

There should be a thorough research of the trademark that is decided to be used to avoid confusion or clash with other existing marks.

The Trademark database should be well researched and if similar marks are found, then one needs to analyze the features that can cause infringement like appearance, sound, concept, etc.

2. Study related products and services:

Herein, the comparison of actual product and services are done and not the class number of registration to find out the identical features that might lead to infringement.

3. Check Strength of the Mark:

This is another factor that determines the level of strength of the trademark which varies from generic, suggestive to arbitrary.

The lesser is the strength; it is more likely to be infringed.

4. Learn the existing confusion among consumers:

At times, you will see people calling up a wrong company for a similar product, it is then, that you need to realize that the trademark is directing to confusion and misguiding the consumers.

This might lead to infringement, and to avoid that, precautions are to be taken to curb such events or situations.